The Order Detail page is a great way to view more information and take actions on a single order level. To access the Order Detail page, click on an Order ID Here are all the different elements of the Order Detail page: The top section allows you to take specific actions on the order. Please […]
Order Management
Please take a look at our in-depth order support articles regarding order management for all of your synced sales channels with Ordoro.
How do I create a manual order?
Ordoro simplifies order management with automatic imports from sales channels and marketplaces. However, creating manual orders directly in Ordoro ensures smooth processing for situations like phone orders or in-person sales. Follow the steps below to create a manual order with ease. Topics Helpful tips Start creating the order 1. Go to the Orders tab. 2. […]
Can I add Timeline notes to an order?
Yes! Please see the steps below on how to add Timeline notes for an order. Note: Not to be confused with adding or editing Customer Notes or Internal Notes. The Order Timeline records actions taken on an order and is located at the bottom of the Order Detail page. 1. Go to the Orders tab […]
How do I cancel an order inside Ordoro?
Ordoro makes it simple to cancel orders should the need arise. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on canceling orders and related actions. Topics How to Cancel Orders in Ordoro 1. Go to the Orders tab. 2. Select the order(s) you wish to cancel. 3. Click on Actions, then choose Cancel Order(s) from the dropdown. 4. […]
How do I categorize orders using custom tags?
You can create custom tags and categorize orders however you like. Custom tags may be titled anything. Examples include backorder, needs refund, expedited, etc. Multiple tags may be added to the same order and can be applied automatically via Ordoro’s Automation Rules. Filtering Orders 1. Click the Orders tab in the green bar. 2. Click […]
How do I edit an order?
Once an order imports to Ordoro, you may need to make changes. Perhaps the customer wants to add/remove an item, or they realized their shipping address has a typo. To modify an existing order, follow the steps below. Note: Ordoro can automatically sync order line changes from certain carts. See more information here. How to […]
How do I edit the shipping or billing address on an order?
1. From the Order List page, hover your cursor over the Ship-To name, then click once underlined. 2. Or on the Order Detail page, click the Edit button. 3. Modify the address in the modal, then click Save.
How do I email an order invoice to my customer?
Ordoro offers the convenient feature of emailing invoices to your customers for their orders. This option is especially useful when clients have outstanding payments or are on 30-day payment terms. To generate and send an invoice via email, please follow the steps outlined below. Topics How to email an invoice 1. Go to the Orders […]
How can I search my orders using a specific search term?
See the steps below on how to search for orders that contain a specific search term, such as SKU or UPC. 1. Go to the Orders tab. 2. Type in the SKU (or search term) in the search box, then press enter/return or click the magnifying glass icon. 3. The Status filter that your term […]
How do I mark an order as shipped without creating a shipping label for it?
Sometimes, you may need to mark an order as shipped without generating a shipping label. Perhaps you used a courier service, hand-delivered the package, or shipped through a method outside your usual process. Whatever the reason, marking the order as shipped in Ordoro ensures accurate records and keeps your customers informed. This guide will show […]
How do I process orders for local pickup?
If you an in-store / local pickup / hand delivery option you can change the order status in Ordoro to shipped. See the steps below. 1. From the Orders tab, select the order ids that you want to mark as shipped. 2. Click on Actions 3. Click on Mark as Shipped Note: If you mark an […]
I canceled an order in my cart, why isn’t it updating to canceled in Ordoro?
Ordoro will import your orders automatically once an hour. Once an order is downloaded in to Ordoro, we will not go back and check to see if the status of that order has changed in your sales channel. This means that any action taken in your sales channel will also need to be taken in […]
Why is the Order ID in Ordoro different from the Order ID in my sales channel?
You may notice that your Order ID in Ordoro is slightly different from the Order ID you see in your sales channel. Don’t worry, it’s intentional! Ordoro will add a prefix to your Order ID in Ordoro only. We use this prefix to identify which of your sales channels your order came from. For example: In […]
Why is my Shipment ID different from my Order ID?
Ordoro will add a suffix to your Order ID in Ordoro only. We use this suffix to identify which shipment number this particular package is, in relation to your Order ID. For example: You will ship Order ID is 1-123456 in 2 boxes. You will create your first shipment, 1-123456-1 for the first box, and then your second shipment, 1-123456-2 for […]
How do I access historical orders?
All of your historical orders will be saved in your sales channels, where you will be able to access them. If you’d like to import your historical orders from Ordoro, we can do that. If you’re interested in importing your historic orders in to Ordoro, please contact Ordoro Support.
How long will Ordoro store my tracking numbers?
Ordoro will store your tracking numbers so long as the label exists in Ordoro. Beware: USPS recycles tracking numbers, so this information may not be valuable after a while. See below on how to find your tracking numbers. 1. Click on the Filters button on the Orders tab. 2. Filter the status by Shipped. 3. Search for […]
How long will Ordoro store my orders?
Ordoro saves your orders as you have a non-canceled account. Once your account is canceled, all account data will be deleted within 30 days.
How do I delete a tag from Ordoro?
Follow the steps below to delete a tag from Ordoro. 1. Click on the Filters button. 2. Scroll down to the Tags section. 3. Hover the mouse on the Tag you wish to delete. 4. Click on the trash can icon to delete the tag. 5. You’ll receive a final confirmation pop-up asking for approval to delete the […]
How does manual dropshipping work in Ordoro?
Sending your orders to your dropship suppliers is simple in Ordoro. If you need to route an order to your supplier, follow the instructions below: 1. Select the checkbox next to the order you want to dropship in the Orders tab. 2. Select the Dropship tab in the label panel. 3. Select Supplier from the […]
How do I clone an order?
Discover the time-saving power of Ordoro’s Order Cloning feature! Easily duplicate any existing order without the hassle of starting from scratch. Why clone an order? It’s perfect for reshipping lost or damaged items, handling exchanges, quickly creating orders and labels for the same customer or address, and efficiently generating multiple orders with identical products. How […]
Magento 2.0 and Ordoro Setup
Adding Magento 2.0 to your Ordoro account is easy. You will need to add a new user/integration to your Magento cart first and then connect the cart in Ordoro. Depending on your version of Magento 2, you’ll either connect via user-auth or integration two-factor authentication (2FA). Topics Magento without two-factor authentication Magento with two-factor authentication […]
How can I process dropship orders?
In Ordoro, you can review orders before dropshipping them. This is helpful for scenarios where you don’t want to automatically send all orders to be dropshipped. For example, you may want to review orders for fraudulent activity, or perhaps you’d like to ship the items yourself instead of dropshipping. 1. Set up products for process […]
How to move an order back to Awaiting Fulfillment
Sometimes, you may need to move an order back to the “Awaiting Fulfillment” status. This can happen if you’ve dropshipped an order, but your supplier can’t ship it, or if you accidentally canceled an order and need to reverse that action. Here’s how to move an order back to Awaiting Fulfillment:
What happens to my inventory quantities when I cancel an order?
When an order is imported into Ordoro, it will automatically be deducted from your Available On Hand inventory (what you have left once you ship out all the pending orders) which will be synced back to your sales channels during the next hourly inventory sync. The way this math works is Available On Hand = Physical On […]
How does Automatic dropshipping work?
Ordoro’s automatic dropshipping feature simplifies your order fulfillment process by automatically sending orders to suppliers. This guide explains how it works and how to set it up. Topics Key Features By following these steps, you can streamline your order fulfillment process and ensure efficient handling of both dropshipped and in-house products. Ordoro’s automatic dropshipping feature […]
What will happen to the original order when I split it into separate orders?
When splitting an order into multiple orders, the original order number, such as M-200, will be used with a suffix resulting in the following order numbering format if split three ways: M-200-1, M-200-2, and M-200-3. The most used cases for splitting orders into multiple orders/shipments are the following: The order has too many products and […]
How do I use the Ordoro orders list page?
In this article, we will explain the different components of the orders page. 1. This section shows the number of orders in each STATE. See each STATE description below: 2. This section does three things: 3. This section allows you to filter your orders based on the sales channel, warehouse, tags, or in a given […]
Square and Ordoro Setup – Multiple Locations
If you sell from different places using your Square account, this article will help you connect Ordoro and Square correctly for inventory synchronization. Before you set up multiple locations, make sure your warehouses in Ordoro match your Square locations. This will help when connecting Square and deciding which warehouse should be linked to each location. […]
How do I split an order into multiple shipments?
Orders may need to be split into multiple boxes or shipments. A few examples are: Ordoro makes it easy to view your available inventory so you can make educated decisions on how to ship. Topics How to split an order 1. Go to the Orders tab. Select the checkbox for the order to split. 2. Go […]
How do I merge orders in Ordoro?
‘Merging orders in Ordoro can streamline your shipping process, especially when a customer places multiple orders to the same address. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to utilize the Merge Order feature effectively. Topics Steps to Merge Orders Supported Sales Channels for Order Merging Currently, merging orders works with the following sales channels for tracking […]
How do I resend a dropshipment?
Whether you need to resend a dropshipment request to the same supplier, or send a new dropshipment request to a different supplier, Ordoro has your back. See the Topics below to resend a dropshipment order. Topics Resending your Dropshipment Request to the same supplier If you want to send another email to the same supplier […]
I changed my default warehouse but my shipments didn’t change, why not?
When you change your default warehouse, any new shipments created after updating your default warehouse selection will use the new default warehouse address as the Ship From. Any shipments imported or created before the change in default warehouse will not adjust to the new default warehouse. You will need to manually change the ship from location […]
How do I use Tag filters and search?
Tags are a powerful way to group orders, products, returns, etc. Once a tag is added, you can easily filter and view the items at-a-glance! Topics Order tags 1. Go to the Orders tab.2. Click the Filters module. Product, Returns, or Manufacturing tags Filtering Logic Filtering logic for tags includes Any, All, Only and Exclude. […]
Can Ordoro import orders with multiple shipments?
Yes, Ordoro can import orders that ship to multiple addresses. Only some sales channels allow for this, and if you have more questions about which sales channels allow this, please contact When an order comes in with multiple “ship-to” addresses, a separate order will be created for each “ship-to” address in Ordoro. For example: […]
How do you confirm tracking information has written back to my sales channel?
After you have created labels for your orders, Ordoro will attempt to write back tracking to your sales channel. For various reasons, your tracking may fail to write back to your sales channel. You can find which orders have failed to write back in the Ordoro application. 1. Click on the Filters button on the Orders tab. […]
Can I archive orders?
When you import orders into Ordoro, sometimes older orders you don’t want to ship come in too. To move these orders out of the Awaiting Fulfillment status, you have two options. What happens when an order is archived? How to archive orders If you’d like to archive Awaiting Fulfillment orders in Ordoro, please contact […]
How are address lines handled when pasted in Ordoro?
You can now paste addresses into Ordoro that will auto-format to our address fields in Orders, RMAs, Warehouse addresses, and Supplier addresses. NOTE: The Paste Address field does not support phone numbers and email addresses at this time. We auto-format all US addresses and support auto-formatting the following International addresses: US Person NameCompany Name1 Certain […]
How do I sort by Single Item Order SKU?
To sort your orders alphabetically by the SKU, select the Single Item Order SKU from the Sort field in the Orders tab. How single item orders are sorted Orders with a single product will be listed first, and will be sorted alphabetically by SKU. See the example below. Notice both orders have only one item. […]
How to use the Orders Omnibar
Our Orders List page has Omnibar functionality which includes advanced search and filter functionality! This help article outlines tips on how to utilize the Omnibar. Topics How to filter by Order Status How to search for an order How to use Advanced Filtering How to filter by Order Status Select the Status from the dropdown […]
Can I edit my customers’ notes in Ordoro?
It’s easy to add or edit customer notes for your customers’ orders in Ordoro. Things like gift messages, special instructions, and gift wrapping preferences are available with the Customer Notes field from within Ordoro. You will be able to edit your customers’ notes in two easy ways, by using our Orders List page and our […]
How do I set up and use Warehouses in Ordoro?
The Warehouse feature in Ordoro allows you to ship and manage inventory from different locations. Ordoro provides you with an easy way to create shipping labels for multiple locations. It is important to use the correct Ship-From address before creating a label to calculate shipping rates accurately. For inventory managing accounts, warehouses will allow you […]
How do I restore a cancelled order in Ordoro?
What if you didn’t mean to cancel an order and you would like to ship it? You can easily restore a cancelled order in Ordoro. To learn how to cancel an order in Ordoro, please see this support article. Note: Once you restore the order, it will move back to the original status it was […]
How can I tell if an order has the same ship-to customer as other orders?
When it comes to managing orders efficiently, it is crucial to easily identify if multiple orders are shipping to the same address. Recognizing this streamlines the order fulfillment process and ensures a seamless customer experience. Sellers can also consolidate the shipments. Consolidation allows for a more cost-effective and eco-friendly approach to order fulfillment. Additionally, it […]
How does the Allocation feature in Ordoro work?
Allocation Basics To enable Allocation or ask questions about the feature, please email our Support team at NOTE: This feature is exclusively for customers that have opted into the Allocation module. Topics What is Allocation? Overview of Allocation statuses: Other notes about Allocation: Using the Allocation feature in Ordoro When Allocation has completed running, […]
How do I assign customs information for my products in Ordoro?
For each product, the following values can be assigned: Once saved in Ordoro, these will automatically populate in the Customs Documentation for international shipments. Below is how to assign this information to your products. Topics How to update a single product 1. In Ordoro, go to the Products tab -> select the product SKU to […]
Can I initiate actions with a barcode scanner in the barcode scanning workflow?
You bet you can! Ordoro provides a convenient barcode shortcut sheet designed specifically for your barcode scanner. By scanning the codes on this sheet, you can effortlessly trigger various actions during the order fulfillment process within the barcode scanning workflow. Topics Shortcut actions available via barcode scanning Order Verification Actions Modal Windows Shipping Labels Additional […]
How do I filter my orders by the country they are shipping to?
On the Orders tab in Ordoro, you can filter your orders to show only the addresses that can be shipped domestically within the US, or only show addresses shipped internationally to non-US addresses. 1. Click the Filters button on the Orders tab. 2. The Ship-To Country filters are below the Misc section. All: This is the default selection, which […]
What happens to my orders when tracking numbers fail to write back?
Ordoro helps manage your orders when tracking numbers fail to write back to your sales channel. Here is the workflow Ordoro uses to manage your tracking number writeback when it is unsuccessful: This feature currently works for the following sales channels: This feature currently does not apply to the following sales channels: Please check back […]
Can I view which payment method was used to purchase an order?
Yes! The Credit Card Issuer field will display what payment method was used by your customer to purchase their order. You can view this info on either the Order Details page or the expanded Orders List page.
Can I view product images on the Order Detail page?
Yes! If an image is assigned to a product, then you can now view the image on the Order Detail page. There are two ways to import and assign product images: All users can use Update Product Image Data Import to upload product images in Ordoro. For Shopify and BigCommerce users, please see this support […]
How to use barcode scanning for my warehouse pick workflow
Are you looking to optimize your warehouse pick workflow with the power of barcode scanning? Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the ins and outs of utilizing barcode scanning to streamline and enhance your warehouse operations. Discover how this technology can revolutionize your inventory management, boost efficiency, and minimize errors. Notes: Topics How to […]
How do I filter my orders based on whether the address is valid or not?
On the Order List page in Ordoro, you can filter your orders based on the validation status assigned to each order’s address. (For details on how Address Validation is applied in Ordoro, click here.) 1. Click the Filters button on the Orders tab. 2. The Ship-To Address Validation Filters are below the Misc section All: This is the default […]
How do I find orders with different Shipping and Billing addresses?
When evaluating orders for fraud, it’s helpful to identify if the order has different addresses for shipping and billing. This can indicate that the order used a stolen credit card or that your customer purchased a gift for someone else. Topics What determines if the addresses match? How do I use the filter? What determines […]
How do I sync order line revisions in Ordoro?
If you’ve ever had customers reach out to modify their orders after placing them, this feature is for you! In Ordoro, you can now efficiently handle order line revisions that occur after the order has been imported. Our system is designed to automatically recognize any changes made to an order in the sales channel. It […]
How can I filter my orders?
Whether you need to filter orders by Status, Warehouse, and/or Order Date Range, etc., Ordoro provides many options. For example, apply a tag to the orders if you have backorders. Then, filter them out / exclude them so you can ship orders ready to go out. Or if you’ve set up a rule that tags […]
What does the Ship By date mean in Ordoro?
When a customer places an order on a marketplace, they expect it to be shipped by a specific date. In Ordoro, we call this the Ship-by date. Topics Which carts import a Ship By date? Ordoro saves a Ship By date for orders imported from these channels. Where does the Ship By date appear in Ordoro? […]
How to manage shipping label presets
Ordoro’s shipping presets allow you to quickly process your orders by applying shipping parameters in one click. Presets can be configured with a variety of criteria such as shipping carrier, method, ship date, delivery confirmation, product dimensions, weight, and more. When orders are ready to go out the door, simply select them in bulk and […]
Ordoro Workflows: How Do I Automatically Split Unfulfillable Products from Orders Automatically?
It’s not uncommon to sell products on your site that are not fulfillable by you warehouse team. For Example, Insurance Products (Route Insurance, Guide Insurance), Digital Products, or Products Dropshipped Outside of Ordoro (Printful, Shopify Collective). You can avoid confusion while fulfilling orders with these items by removing them automatically from your orders in Ordoro […]
How can I mark orders shipped in Ordoro if the order is fulfilled in Shopify?
Ordoro offers a feature that automatically marks your Shopify orders as shipped in Ordoro when they are fulfilled in Shopify. This guide walks you through enabling this feature and understanding how it works, ensuring a smooth sync process between Shopify and Ordoro. Topics How it works after setup With the feature enabled, here’s what to […]
How can I get emailed when tracking information fails to sync with my sales channels?
When Ordoro is unable send tracking to your Sales Channel, Ordoro will tag your orders with the Failed Shipment Notification tag. You can use this tag, and the order reports functionality to generate a report to help you see which orders are receiving these tags: 1. Click on the Filters button on the Orders tab. 2. Under […]
How do I clean up my orders before going live with Ordoro?
When you first connect your Sales Channels to Ordoro, Ordoro will import all of your historical orders that exist in the need-to-ship status of your Sales Channel (click here to check the default import status for your Sales Channels). Because of this, you’ll potentially have older orders in Ordoro that you don’t need to ship, […]
Can I remove customer notes text from my orders automatically?
Yes, Ordoro offers an automation to remove unwanted text in the Customer Notes field, ensuring only relevant information appears on packing slips. To enable this, you will need to contact our support team at There is a one-time setup fee, and our team can provide a quote. Topics How does it work? This automation […]
Can I replace my kits with their component on orders automatically?
Yes! If you need to fulfill kit components separately, Ordoro’s Unkit Automation can automatically swap kit products for their individual components on your orders. To enable this, you can contact our support team at This automation requires a one-time fee. Topics How does the Unkit Automation work? Once enabled, Ordoro’s Unkit Automation runs every […]
Can I sync address changes to my orders in Ordoro?
Yes! With our order revisions feature Ordoro will import changes made to the Ship-To Name, Address, City, State, and Zipcode. To learn more about the order revisions feature, please check out this support article. Topics 1. How to enable this setting 2. How to accept these changes How to enable this setting 1. Click on […]