How to map Wayfair warehouses in Ordoro

In Wayfair, there is the concept of child warehouses. For Ordoro to sync inventory, you must map the Wayfair locations/warehouses. If you only have one warehouse in Wayfair, it is still required to map the locations in Ordoro. Otherwise, inventory will not sync to Wayfair. Setup instructions 1. Click your Company Name -> Account Settings […]

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Wayfair and Ordoro Setup

Connecting your Wayfair sales channel to Ordoro is easy! Please follow the steps below. Notes: Topics Request access to Wayfair’s Developer settings 1. Reach out to your dedicated Wayfair Integration Manager. 2. Request to have an API integration set up. Specify that you’re using the Ordoro channel integration. 3. Once you have access to the […]

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