How do inventory quantities get calculated in Ordoro?

Understanding how Ordoro calculates inventory for your products is vital for effective order management. If you’re unfamiliar with Ordoro’s inventory terminology, see this support article before reading the following article. Topics Ordoro inventory calculation system When you sell items online, especially across multiple platforms, it’s essential to have a central system to manage your inventory. […]

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How does inventory tracking in Ordoro work?

Ordoro tracks inventory levels by 5 different criteria: On the Products tab, you will see all inventory-related information for each product. Click the expand all rows symbol to view warehouse-specific inventory quantities. In the example below, you can see the inventory information for the Black Cubs Champions Hat. Physical On Hand (POH) In the Physical […]

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How do inventory quantities get updated in Ordoro?

The final piece of the product puzzle is how Ordoro calculates and syncs the Total Available On Hand quantity to your sales channels. The Total Available On Hand inventory (AOH) is calculated by taking the Total Physical On Hand inventory (POH) and subtracting the Total Committed quantity (CMT). Total Available On Hand = Total Physical […]

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How do I set up and use Warehouses in Ordoro?

The Warehouse feature in Ordoro allows you to ship and manage inventory from different locations. Ordoro provides you with an easy way to create shipping labels for multiple locations. It is important to use the correct Ship-From address before creating a label to calculate shipping rates accurately. For inventory managing accounts, warehouses will allow you […]

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Why can’t I re-import archived products?

If you’re trying to re-import a product into Ordoro with a SKU that already exists but has been archived, then you will be unsuccessful. The way Ordoro archives a product is by moving the product from the active inventory list to the archived inventory list. In addition, this will disable the product sku specific inventory […]

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How Standard shippability works in Ordoro

What is shippability? When you receive orders, you must determine if you can ship all items on the order. In some cases you may have enough stock to ship the entire order. Otherwise, the order may be partially shippable or unshippable due to lack of inventory. Ordoro’s Standard shippability feature will check to see if […]

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What happens to my inventory quantities when I cancel an order?

When an order is imported into Ordoro, it will automatically be deducted from your Available On Hand inventory (what you have left once you ship out all the pending orders) which will be synced back to your sales channels during the next hourly inventory sync. The way this math works is Available On Hand = Physical On […]

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How do I set the Low Stock Threshold for my products?

The Low Stock Threshold is a quantity you can set to help with managing inventory. When the Low Stock Threshold quantity is set and the inventory hits the threshold in any of your warehouses, the product will show up in the Low Inventory filter. You can learn more about filters on the Product tab here. […]

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Setting Max/Min Export, Percentage, and Reserve Qtys by Sales Channel

By default, Ordoro will export your entire inventory quantity to your sales channel. However, if you’d like to write back a portion of that number, you can set a Min Export, Max Export, Percentage, or Reserve Qty per sales channel and product. Topics Max Export Quantity Min Export Quantity Percentage Reserve Quantity Calculated Writeback Quantity […]

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How do I update inventory manually?

Ordoro allows you to update your inventory manually to ensure that inventory levels are accurately recorded. The following article details how to update an individual product’s inventory levels. You can also update inventory in bulk using our Data Import feature. Topics For accounts with only one warehouse If your account only has one warehouse, you […]

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What are Amazon ghost listings and how can I address them?

Are you experiencing oversold products on Amazon or encountering FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) listings for your FBA items? You could be dealing with ghost listings. Topics What is a ghost listing? 1. Ghost listings occur when a seller lists an item as FBA, but a duplicate FBM product is mistakenly created. 2. Ghost listings are […]

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How to Update Weighted Average Unit Cost in Ordoro

This concise guide teaches you how to update the Weighted Average Unit Cost in Ordoro. Explore methods to adjust this crucial metric via the Product Detail Page or CSV Data Import, and deepen your understanding of inventory valuation techniques, including FIFO and LIFO methods. It is perfect for Ordoro users aiming to optimize their inventory […]

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Inventory management terminology explained

To maximize your utilization of Ordoro’s inventory management capabilities, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific terminology used. Below, we provide detailed descriptions of the various inventory calculations employed by Ordoro. This knowledge will empower you to unlock the full potential of the platform. Topics Physical On Hand quantity The Physical On Hand (POH) […]

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What is the Need Sync filter and why is it important?

If you have an Ordoro account with inventory management capabilities, understanding the Products Need Sync filter is vital to managing inventory. Since Ordoro is a multichannel inventory management tool, it regularly updates your sales channels’ stock levels (Shopify, Amazon, BigCommerce, eBay, etc.). Ordoro only updates inventory quantities for products that have recently had inventory changes in Ordoro. Examples […]

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How to set up UPCs for barcode scanning

Discover how Ordoro’s barcode scanning features can revolutionize your pick-and-pack workflow. No UPCs in Ordoro? No problem. Easily input them manually per product or utilize the Data Import function for efficient bulk UPC uploads. Topics How to enter UPCs per product 1. Go to the Product page in Ordoro. 2. Click on the item’s SKU […]

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Magento 2.0 and Ordoro Setup

Adding Magento 2.0 to your Ordoro account is easy. You will need to add a new user/integration to your Magento cart first and then connect the cart in Ordoro. Depending on your version of Magento 2, you’ll either connect via user-auth or integration two-factor authentication (2FA). Topics Magento without two-factor authentication Magento with two-factor authentication […]

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How do I adjust inventory for Kits?

The kit/bundle inventory is calculated using the Child Component skus. The component with the lowest quantity per warehouse (if you have multiple warehouses) determines the kit quantity. When you adjust the inventory of the child component(s), Ordoro will automatically calculate the updated inventory for the kit. The kit quantity is never editable since it’s a calculated quantity. […]

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How to download the Inventory Log per product

Product inventory management is a critical aspect of any business that deals with physical goods. In Ordoro, the inventory levels of products can be modified by various sources, including orders placed and shipped out, purchase orders received, manual adjustments from cycle counts, goods manufactured and inventory increased, and more. To help you keep track of […]

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Warehouse Inventory Write-Back By Sales Channel

Ordoro can write your inventory quantities back by Warehouse and Sales Channel. There’s the option to select which warehouse quantities you sync back to certain carts. 1. Click on your company name, and then select Account Settings. 2. Select Sales Channels from the left hand menu, and then select Edit, next to the Sales Channel […]

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Why does deleting the last component of a kit set the inventory to zero?

Why does that happen? Kit SKUs are calculated products. This means its quantities are based upon their component products. Kits are virtual products (fictional entities created to make inventory management easier). The kit stock levels are calculated by the component SKUs and their specified ratios. When you delete the linkage between a component and a […]

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How can I disable Inventory Writeback per product?

Ordoro enables you to manage your inventory across multiple sales channels with ease. With Ordoro, you can update your sales channels with the latest quantity information saved in our system, keeping your inventory levels in sync across all channels. However, there may be situations where you need to disable inventory writeback for certain products or […]

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Shopify Locations and Ordoro Setup

Shopify has a feature called Locations to track inventory in different places. See Shopify’s help articles regarding Locations if you have questions or reach out to Shopify Support. Notes: How to map Shopify Locations in Ordoro 1. First, reauthorize your Shopify cart in Ordoro. This ensures Ordoro has current Location info from Shopify. 2. Next, […]

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Will Ordoro Activate and Deactivate my Etsy listings?

Yes, Ordoro will activate and deactivate your Etsy listings. Please see how below. 1. Deactivate a single listing:  When a product in Ordoro has a zero quantity in inventory, Ordoro will notify Etsy to deactivate the listing. Note – when the listing is deactivated in Etsy, the inventory will remain the original quantity. Etsy currently […]

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Can I scan in barcodes for PO Goods Receipts?

Yes, you can. To do this: 1. Click on the PO tab 2. Click on the PO ID you would like to scan in. 3.  Click on the Goods Receipts tab, and Add A Goods Receipt. 4. Scan in your items received.  If you would like the barcodes scanned multiple times when checking in items, […]

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Can I import images from my sales channel?

Absolutely! Ordoro can import images in various file types such as PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and GIF. You can easily import these from Shopify, BigCommerce, and Squarespace. Other carts will be supported in the future. Topics How to import product images To import product images, go to your Sync settings and select Import Product Images. If […]

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How do I transfer inventory between warehouses?

If you keep your inventory in multiple locations, it’s essential to track how and when it’s transferred. Managing various warehouses allows you to have an agile supply chain. This ensures orders can ship in the fastest and most affordable way. However, knowing which items to transfer, their transit status, and what was received can be […]

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Can I list the same SKU on different pages in my store?

Yes, you can! Currently, this feature is available exclusively for Shopify and eBay, allowing you to list the same SKU on multiple pages within these platforms. We are actively working to expand this capability to other sales channels in the future. Please reach out to Ordoro Support ( if there are other carts you have […]

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Shopify Locations: Does it matter which Ordoro Warehouse is mapped?

Yes! The relationship between the Ordoro Warehouse and Shopify Locations can impact tracking and inventory writeback. It is important that this relation is set up properly in your Ordoro account to prevent errors and inventory discrepancies. If your Shopify account has Locations enabled, then you must map a Warehouse for successful tracking writeback. For more […]

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How does the Allocation feature in Ordoro work?

Allocation Basics To enable Allocation or ask questions about the feature, please email our Support team at NOTE: This feature is exclusively for customers that have opted into the Allocation module. Topics What is Allocation? Overview of Allocation statuses: Other notes about Allocation: Using the Allocation feature in Ordoro When Allocation has completed running, […]

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How do I find which Products have Low Inventory?

On the Products page, you can filter to identify items at or below their Low Stock Threshold. This can help with restocking inventory for products before running out completely. Click here to learn how to set the Low Stock Threshold. 1. To find low-stock items, go to the Products tab and click Filters. Select the […]

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How can I set up email notifications for products with Low Inventory?

Overview Setting the Low Stock Threshold is a key part of monitoring inventory for reordering products. If you have an inventory management Ordoro Account, you can schedule Low Inventory reports to be emailed automatically. Refer to this help article for instructions on how to set the Low Stock Threshold for your products. Topics What will […]

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How do I put my products in the Needs Sync filter?

Since Ordoro is a multichannel inventory management tool, it regularly updates your sales channels’ stock levels (Shopify, Amazon, BigCommerce, eBay, etc.) We use the Needs Sync filter to determine which items to update. In Ordoro, you can manually put products into the Needs Sync status. This helps if you need to update inventory in your sales channels. To learn […]

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What are best practices when creating SKUs?

SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit and is critical in managing your inventory and sales. Each product and variation should have a unique SKU to track order velocity and stock levels. Below we outline a few best practices and guidelines if you’re wisely taking the time to create, update, or manage your SKUs. Topics Naming […]

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How do I find products that are suspended from inventory writeback?

If you encounter issues where products are not syncing their inventory properly with your carts, they will be temporarily suspended in Ordoro. To help you identify and manage these products, you can use the Inventory Sync Suspended filter in Ordoro. Follow the instructions below to find and address these items. Topics How products are suspended […]

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What is Default Minimum Export Quantity?

The Default Minimum Export Quantity is a crucial setting within Ordoro that sets the bar for the least quantity of product units that can be sent to your sales channels. It’s all about keeping your inventory in check, avoiding low stock issues, and making sure your product listings are always ready to meet customer demand. […]

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Ordoro Workflows: How do I Cycle Count my Inventory?

For Ordoro’s inventory management to work properly, your Physical on Hand quantity must exactly match the units available in your warehouse. For most retailers, doing an all-encompassing inventory count is not reasonable. Cycle Counting allows you to count your inventory in smaller increments, on a regular interval to keep you physical inventory counts in sync […]

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