Why does that happen?

  • Kit SKUs are calculated products. This means its quantities are based upon their component products. Kits are virtual products (fictional entities created to make inventory management easier).
  • The kit stock levels are calculated by the component SKUs and their specified ratios.
  • When you delete the linkage between a component and a kit, then the kit’s inventory is recalculated using the stock levels of the remaining components.
  • If there are no components left in the kit, then Ordoro is uncertain of what the inventory should be. Therefore, Ordoro will set the inventory to zero.

How to delete a component from a kit

  1. Go to the Products page and search for the kit product. In the example below, it’s the Soccer Bundle.
  2. Once you find this product, click on its name to go to the Product Detail page.

3. Select the Kitting tab.

4. Delete the kit component from the kit by clicking the trash can.

    • When you delete the component, a warning message will pop-up letting you know if this is the last kit component, the kit’s inventory will be set to zero.

NOTE: Before deleting a component from a Kit, you should make sure you do not have that kit component on an open Purchase Order.