How does Ordoro save the Walmart Order ID and PO ID?

When importing Walmart orders into Ordoro, it’s essential to understand the difference between the Walmart Order ID and the Walmart PO ID. This guide will help you know how these IDs are used in Ordoro and where to find them. Topics Walmart Order ID vs. PO ID Walmart orders have two types of identifiers: the […]

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Does Ordoro integrate with Walmart DSV?

What is the Walmart DSV program? In the Walmart Drop Ship Vendor (DSV) program, you’ll sell your items to Walmart at wholesale prices, but you’ll manage the warehousing and shipping. You may ship to the customer directly or to Walmart stores for in-store pickup. The DSV Program is focused on high-volume suppliers. To become a […]

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Why do Walmart orders with multiple line items import differently?

If you run an online store, you’ll want your sales and order systems to work well no matter where you sell your products. You might have noticed that orders from Walmart look different in your Ordoro account compared to orders from other platforms. This article explains why this happens and assures you that everything still […]

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Which Walmart order statuses are downloaded into Ordoro?

Ordoro imports orders in the following status: Ordered When Ordoro imports new orders, Ordoro will also mark the orders as Acknowledged to meet Walmart’s standard of acknowledging orders within four hours. See this help article for more information about auto-acknowledgment. If you need Ordoro to import orders that are in Acknowledged status, please email us at […]

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Does Ordoro acknowledge Walmart orders?

Per Walmart’s standards, Ordoro automatically acknowledges orders once they import into our system. In Walmart Seller Center, the order will change from Ordered to Acknowledged. Why is Acknowledging orders important? See the information below from Walmart’s FAQ. Please note, Ordoro is connected to Walmart via the API. Q: How soon do I have to acknowledge […]

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Walmart and Ordoro Setup

A Client ID and Client Secret is needed to connect to Walmart. Log into your Walmart Developer Portal to generate this information and copy to Ordoro. See the steps below. Please note, if you are not approved to sell on Walmart, you can begin the process here. Topics Create Walmart Client ID and Secret 1. […]

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