You may have noticed that your Walmart orders with multiple line items look a bit different in Ordoro than your orders from other sales channels. This is due to the way Walmart sends the order line items information to Ordoro. Not to worry, the functionality works exactly the same it might just take you by surprise the first time you see it.

Let’s take a look at an example:

Let’s say a customer orders 3 blue hats from your online store, the order will show up like this in Ordoro:

Item, Qty

Blue Hat, 3

Now let’s say a customer orders 3 blue hats from you Walmart sales channel, the order will show up like this in Ordoro:

Item, Qty

Blue Hat, 1

Blue Hat, 1

Blue Hat, 1

Here are two images to further illustrate what we mean.

First, take a look at this order in the Walmart Seller Center. This customer ordered quantity=4 of SKU FO56-11T.


Now, let’s take a look at that same order in Ordoro. Note that there are four separate line for the same SKU FO56-11T with quantity=1.