Where do I edit my Supplier SKU for dropshipped products?

To edit the Supplier SKU for your products, you have two options. Manually assigning Supplier SKUs 1. Go to the Products tab and click on the product name or SKU. 2. On the Product Detail page, choose the Suppliers tab. 3. Click on the the Supplier SKU you would like to update. 4. Enter the […]

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How do I setup products for dropshipping?

Whether you’re a merchant, supplier, or 3PL, Ordoro can help centralize the management of your dropshipping orders all into a single platform. Increase your dropshipping precision and never miss the mark by automating your dropshipping tasks. Ordoro can manage dropshipping in multiple ways: Topics Process vs. Automatic Dropshipping Automatic Dropshipping allows you to dropship your […]

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How does manual dropshipping work in Ordoro?

Sending your orders to your dropshippers is simple in Ordoro. If you need to route an order to your supplier, follow the instructions below: 1. Select the checkbox next to the order you want to dropship in the Orders tab. 2. Select the Dropship tab in the label panel. 3. Select Supplier from the dropdown […]

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Setting up supplier feeds in Ordoro

Ordoro supports updating supplier feeds in three different ways: CSV files via emails CSV files via FTP CSV files via HTTP Before we begin setting up the supplier feeds, you will need to: Assign your products to your suppliers: https://support.ordoro.com/how-do-i-setup-product-to-be-dropshipped-in-bulk/ Map your existing SKUs to your supplier SKUs: https://support.ordoro.com/where-do-i-edit-my-supplier-sku-for-dropshipped-products/. Get example files from your supplier for […]

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How can I process dropship orders?

In Ordoro, you can review orders before dropshipping them. This is helpful for scenarios where you don’t want to automatically send all orders to be dropshipped. For example, you may want to review orders for fraudulent activity, or perhaps you’d like to ship the items yourself instead of dropshipping. 1. Set up products for process […]

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How does Automatic dropshipping work?

Ordoro’s automatic dropshipping feature simplifies your order fulfillment process by automatically sending orders to suppliers. This guide explains how it works and how to set it up. Topics Key Features By following these steps, you can streamline your order fulfillment process and ensure efficient handling of both dropshipped and in-house products. Ordoro’s automatic dropshipping feature […]

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How do I resend a dropshipment?

Whether you need to resend a dropshipment request to the same supplier, or send a new dropshipment request to a different supplier, Ordoro has your back. See the Topics below to resend a dropshipment order. Topics Resending your Dropshipment Request to the same supplier If you want to send another email to the same supplier […]

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Can I send the Supplier Unit Cost in the dropship email?

Yes, Ordoro can automatically include the Supplier Unit Cost in dropship emails! The Supplier Unit Cost can appear in both automatic and process dropship emails. This support article shows the email your Supplier will receive. Notes: For more information on Supplier setup, check out this support article. Once you have Suppliers, see how to assign them […]

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How do I set up supplier-warehouse mapping for my dropship orders?

This feature will automatically assign orders to a warehouse when orders are dropshipped to a Supplier. This feature can help with deducting the available on hand inventory from the mapped warehouse when orders are dropshipped. This will work for manual dropshipping, process dropshipping, and automatic dropshipping. How to map a supplier to a warehouse: 1. […]

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