Yes, Ordoro can import images from Shopify, BigCommerce, and Squarespace. Other carts will be supported in the future.


  1. How to import product images
  2. How images appear in Ordoro
  3. How images appear for Shopify variations

How to import product images

To import product images, go to your Sync settings and select Import Product Images.

If set to autosync, we will import your product images every six hours. You can trigger a manual sync at any time by selecting Sync Once.

How images appear in Ordoro

Check the Product Detail page and you’ll see the image associated with the item in Ordoro.

Product images can be included on packing slips and pick lists as well. When generating, select Show image to include the pictures. See the examples below.

Here’s a sample packing slip showing how the product image will appear.

How images appear for Shopify variations

If you have images tied to variations in Shopify AND the variations have unique SKU numbers, then they’ll import into Ordoro.

See below where we’ve set up variation images in Shopify. Note, the main image is the shoe.

The different sizes have the number as their picture. Each variation has a unique SKU number (such as predator-cleats-6, predator-cleats-7, etc.)

For each variant SKU, the corresponding image is found on the Product Detail page.