How can I dropship orders to a supplier with Automation Rules?

You can dropship an order to a supplier with Automation Rules in Ordoro. To learn more about automation rules, please see this support article. Topics How to set up a Dropship To Automation Rule 1. Select your company name in the top right and then select Account Settings. 2. In the left grey bar go […]

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Examples of Automation Rules

Discover the magic of Ordoro! Learn how to set up Automation Rules to simplify your shipping processes and boost efficiency. We’re excited to share a few popular examples that have transformed our customers’ shipping experience. Get ready to elevate your operations and take your business to new heights with automation rules! Other helpful articles: Topics […]

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How do I set up Automation Rules?

If you’re an e-commerce seller, you know that shipping orders can be a time-consuming and repetitive task. Whether you’re shipping identical packages or need to insure certain products automatically, it can take up valuable time. That’s where Ordoro comes in – our powerful automation rules can help speed up your workflow and improve efficiency by […]

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Is it possible to reapply rules to existing Ordoro orders?

Yes, you can reapply rules to your existing Ordoro orders! Just contact Ordoro Support at and let them know: The time taken to re-run orders depends on their quantity, ranging from 5-10 minutes to over an hour. Our Support team will provide confirmation upon completion.

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Examples of Shipping Presets

Once you learn how to create a shipping preset in Ordoro, all sorts of combinations are at your fingertips! With just a few simple steps, you can save time and effort by creating preset combinations tailored to your unique shipping needs. Whether you’re shipping domestically or internationally, dealing with various package sizes or shipping carriers, […]

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How do I print product SKUs on my shipping labels?

It can be helpful to include the order number or product SKUs on the labels to assist the warehouse staff in applying labels to packages and confirming contents. You can include this information using the Reference Number field when generating labels. See the details below for how to automate this via presets. How to create […]

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