If you encounter issues where products are not syncing their inventory properly with your carts, they will be temporarily suspended in Ordoro. To help you identify and manage these products, you can use the Inventory Sync Suspended filter in Ordoro.

Follow the instructions below to find and address these items.


  1. How to access Suspended Products
  2. How to start syncing inventory again

How to access Suspended Products

  1. Go to the Products tab and click Filters.

  1. In the Status section, select Inventory Sync Suspended. Then click Apply.

  1. After applying the filter, a list of all products suspended from inventory sync will appear. Review this list to determine which products are affected and require attention.

How to start syncing inventory again

After completing the necessary adjustments to the products, you’ll want Ordoro to start syncing inventory again. You will do this by moving the products to the Needs Sync status. See the steps below.

  1. Select the product(s) you’d like to sync.
  2. Go to the Actions dropdown.
  3. Click Mark as Needs Sync.

  1. A pop-up window will appear. If your product has Writeback enabled for multiple sales channels, you will be prompted to select the sales channels to which you want to write back inventory. Once you make your selection, click Yes.

The next product autosync task will update your products’ inventory. Congrats!