After a dropshipment request is sent for an order in Ordoro, the Available on Hand inventory for the product(s) on the order will decrease while the order is in the Dropshipment Requested filter. The Available on Hand inventory will increase after the order is marked as shipped or a label is created.

Here is how inventory is calculated when an order is dropshipped in Ordoro:

  • The Committed increases, the Available on Hand decreases, and the Physical on Hand remains the same.
  • The order is marked as shipped or a label is created.
  • The Committed reduces, the Available on Hand INCREASES, and the Physical on Hand remains the same.

The Physical on Hand never reduces because the inventory was shipped out from the Supplier warehouse, not your physical warehouse. 

Example of inventory for dropshipped products:
1. SKU 5678 – beginning inventory calculations :

  • Physical on Hand = 1
    Available on Hand = 1
    Committed = 0

2. Order abc123 imports into Ordoro with SKU 5678 with a qty 1.
SKU 5678 now has the following calculations:

  • Physical on Hand = 1 (remains the same)
    Available on Hand = 0 (decreases)
    Committed = 1 (increases)

3. Order abc123 is dropshipped – the order is in the Dropshipment Requested filter.
SKU 5678 has the following calculations:

  • Physical on Hand = 1 (remains the same)
    Available on Hand = 0 (remains the same)
    Committed = 1 (remains the same)

4. Order abc123 is now marked as shipped (or label is created) in Ordoro.
SKU 5678 now has the final inventory calculations:

  • Physical on Hand = 1 (remains the same)
    Available on Hand = 1 (increases)
    Committed = 0 (decreases)

NOTE: See this support article for detailed information about each inventory term: Physical On Hand, Available, Committed.