Yes, Ordoro will activate and deactivate your Etsy listings. Please see how below.

1. Deactivate a single listing: 

When a product in Ordoro has a zero quantity in inventory, Ordoro will notify Etsy to deactivate the listing.

Note – when the listing is deactivated in Etsy, the inventory will remain the original quantity. Etsy currently does not accept a quantity zero to end a listing through their API at this time.

2. Activate a single listing:

When inventory has been added to a product in Ordoro, Ordoro will update the inventory and activate the listing in the Etsy sales channel.

Note – Etsy charges a $0.20 activation fee for every listing that is reactivated

3. Deactivate a variation listing: 

A. When a variation in Ordoro has a zero quantity in inventory, Ordoro will write a quantity zero to the variation only. Other remaining variations will remain active with inventory.

B. The listing in Etsy will show the variation option in the drop-down menu but will be grayed out with “Sold Out” next to it.

C. When all variations in the listing have a quantity zero in Ordoro, Ordoro will notify Etsy to deactivate the entire listing.

Note – one of the variations will have inventory remaining because Etsy currently does not accept a quantity zero to end a listing through their API at this time.

D. When listings have been deactivated, you will find the listing in the Inactive listing status in the Etsy Shop Manager.

  • Click the Shop Manager icon on your dashboard.
  • Select Listings in the sidebar
  • Select Inactive in the listing status options.

4. Activate a variation listing:

When inventory for variation(s) has been added in Ordoro, Ordoro will update the inventory for the variation(s) and activate the listing in the Etsy sales channel.

Note – Etsy charges a $0.20 activation fee for every listing that is reactivated

If you have any questions about this feature, please email and we will be happy to help answer any questions.