Sometimes, you might need to mark an order as shipped without creating a shipping label. This could happen if you use a different method to send the package, like a courier service or hand delivery. In these cases, you still want to update your system to show that the order has been shipped.

Marking an order as shipped without a label helps keep your records accurate and informs your customers that their order is on the way. This process helps track and ensures that all orders are properly managed, even if they don’t follow the standard shipping process.


  • If your Ordoro plan tracks inventory, marking orders as shipped or manually entering a tracking number will deduct from your Physical On Hand quantity.
  • Ordoro’s Data Import feature can post multiple tracking numbers. See this link for more details.


  1. How to mark an order as Shipped without entering a tracking number
  2. How to enter a tracking number manually on an order

Without entering a tracking number

This uses our Mark as Shipped feature. When used, no tracking information will be sent to the sales channel.

1. Go to the Orders tab.

2. Select Awaiting Fulfillment or All sub-tabs.

3. Select the order(s) you would like to mark as Shipped.

4. Click on Other Actions, and click on Mark as Shipped.

5. In this modal, select Yes to mark the order as shipped.

Enter a tracking number manually

Here is an alternate approach to mark the orders as shipped:

1. Click the Order ID to take you to the Order Detail page.

2. Click on Enter tracking info.

3. Enter the tracking number and other relevant shipping information.

4. Once a tracking number has been added, Ordoro will notify your sales channel. Then, depending on the settings in your sales channel, they will notify the customer with the tracking number.
