Navigate to our Analytics pages to gain insights into your top-performing items, spotlighting the top 20 bestsellers. If you’re interested in a broader scope, you can also access a comprehensive list of all products sold during a specific date range.
For step-by-step guidance on exporting this valuable information, refer to the instructions below.
How to export from the Products page
1. Click on the Products tab in the green bar.
2. Select Other Actions -> Export Sales by SKU.
3. A pop-up will appear so you can select the Report parameters.
- Recipient Email Addresses
- Enter the email(s) to receive the report. For a list of emails, use a comma to separate them.
- Email Subject Line
- Customize the subject line of the report email.
- The date filter for your report.
- Ordered Date: When the order was placed in your sales channel.
- Shipped Date: When the order was shipped in Ordoro.
- Interval
- Interval Options:
- Specific Date Range
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Month
- If you select Hour, Day, Week, or Month – then Ordoro uses your current time to run the report.
- Example: if the current time is 9:18am, selecting “Hour” will return results from 8:18am to 9:18am.
- Truncate to start of hour / day / week / month
- By selecting this option, the report will run from the start of the chosen interval (minute 0) to the end of the same interval (minute 0).
- Example: if the current time is 9:18pm, selecting the truncate option will return results from 8:00am to 9:00am.
- Interval Options:
- Time Zone
- Group products by sales channel
- This will list a separate row per cart. If this is unselected, then only one row per SKU will be displayed.
- For example, SKU ABC was sold on Amazon and Shopify.
- If Group products by sales channel is selected, the report will list two rows: one for Amazon and the other for Shopify.
- If Group products by sales channel is not selected, the report will list one row for the total sales from both Amazon and Shopify.
5. Select Export or Schedule.
- If you select Schedule, you’ll be prompted to create a report. See this support article for details.
6. The report will be available in the Reports Activity Log.
- Go to your Company Name -> Reports.
- Select the Activity Log tab. You’ll see the CSV file to download.
What the report looks like
The CSV will contain the following columns:
- Product Name
- Units Sold Direct
- The amount sold directly on an order (i.e. was not a kit.)
- Units Sold Via Kit
- For example: SKU XYZ was sold.
- SKU XYZ is a kit with components SKU A and SKU B.
- SKU A and B would appear as Units Sold Via Kit.
- Total Amount Sold
- The sum total of Units Sold Direct and Units Sold Via Kit.

- Total of Orders Direct
- The amount sold directly on an order (i.e. was not a kit.)
- This is similar to the Units Sold Direct column but represents the number of orders rather than the quantity of items within those orders.
- Total of Orders Via Kit
- This is similar to the Units Sold Via Kit column but represents the number of orders rather than the quantity of items within those orders.
- Number of Units Dropshipped
- This is calculated based on the Units Sold Direct column but reflects the quantity in dropship orders.
- Product Created Date
- When the item was first created in Ordoro.
- Cart (Optional)
- This column will appear if Group products by sales channel was selected.
- The Group products by sales channel option will list a separate row per cart.