You may have received these error codes while trying to ship internationally in Ordoro.

  • Customs information is invalid.
  • Internal Error Occurred PB-APIM-ERR-1000

To fix these errors when you are shipping internationally, ensure that your Customs Declaration form is fully filled out.

How to update your customs form

1. Go to the Orders tab and select the checkmark box next to the international order you are trying to ship. The shipping panel will appear on the right.

2. In that shipping panel, selelct Additional Options, make sure the box next to Attach Customs Info is selected, then click Edit.

3. A pop-up window will appear so you can edit the customs information for this package.

4. Ordoro will pre-fill the customs items based on either:

  1. The Product’s Customs Declarations saved in Ordoro.
  2. The Order’s line information imported from the cart.

5. If needed, update the description, quantity, weight, value per unit, and country of origin. Click Save and Return.

A few notes about the customs form:

  • The total product weight in the declarations must be less than or equal to the package weight.
  • If you have over 30 line items, refer to this support article on consolidating the customs form.
  • You may need to print customs continuation forms if you have 5+ products on the customs form. See the screenshot below. Some shipping methods will automatically include the continuation form (like CP72).

6. Finally, select Reason for Export.

  • By deafaut USPS packages will have a Reason For Export of Merchandise.
  • For more information of the definitions of the Reason for Export for FedEx and UPS, visit this support article.
  • For UPS, please make sure to select the Certificate of Origin checkbox.