When Ordoro is unable send tracking to your Sales Channel, Ordoro will tag your orders with the Failed Shipment Notification tag. You can use this tag, and the order reports functionality to generate a report to help you see which orders are receiving these tags:

1. Click on the Filters button on the Orders tab.

2. Under the STATUS section, select Shipped.

3. Then scroll down to the TAGS section and select the Failed Shipment Notification tag, then click Apply.

4. This will filter your orders to display only the shipped orders with the Failed Shipment Notification tag.

5. Next, you need to schedule a report to send you these orders automatically. Click on Actions and then Export Order Info.

6. In the Export Order Summary module, select Schedule.

7. Fill in the following information to build your scheduled report, and then select Save:

  • Report Name: For reference in the Reports tab in Ordoro.
  • Recipient Email Address: A list of email addresses where you’d like this report sent. Separate the email address with a comma.
  • Email Subject Line
  • Send email only if data is reported: Check this option. When selected, reports only send when an order has a failed tracking sync.
  • Frequency: You can choose Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly. For this report, we recommend Daily.

8. Your report will now run at the set Frequency and will email you all the orders with the Failed Shipment Notification tag applied.

When you receive an email from this report, you’ll want to address the orders that were emailed to you (either resync tracking in Ordoro, or manually enter the tracking in the Sales Channel) and then remove the Failed Shipment Notification Tag from the order, so that this order no longer shows up on future reports.

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