What is Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP)?

Amazon SFP allows sellers to display the Prime badge on their listings as long as the seller adheres to Amazon’s strict shipping standards. These orders must be shipped using Amazon’s Buy Shipping services. In Ordoro, the carrier can be enabled via the instructions here, but SFP orders cannot be fulfilled in vendor portals at this time.

Why can’t my suppliers fulfill SFP orders in their vendor portal?

In addition to requiring SFP orders to ship through Buy Shipping services, Amazon also places strict time constraints for fulfillment. If SFP orders are not shipped properly and on time, your standing as an SFP seller on Amazon could be jeopardized. Since Ordoro doesn’t yet have the tools for vendor portals to meet these guidelines, SFP orders should only be shipped from the Ordoro account where the orders originated.

See this help article for information on how to create SFP labels in the merchant Ordoro account.