Ordoro provides a user-friendly interface for creating or updating orders, products, tracking numbers, and more. However, in cases where bulk updates are required, our Data Import feature is the perfect solution. By uploading CSV files, users can quickly and efficiently make large-scale changes to orders and products, streamlining their workflow and saving valuable time.

Related support articles:

How to create orders via a CSV file

1. Go to Account Settings -> Data Import.

2. In the dropdown menu, select Create Orders.

3. Download the example file for the data type. This will download a CSV file to your computer.

4. Open the example file and edit it to manage your bulk update. The columns in the spreadsheet are listed below.

  1. Order ID *Required
  2. Order Date
  3. Notes from Customer
  4. Grand Total
  5. Product Amount
  6. Tax Amount
  7. Discount Amount
  8. Shipping Amount
  9. Shipping Type
  10. Ship to Name
  11. Ship to Company
  12. Ship to Email
  13. Ship to Phone
  14. Ship to Street 1
  15. Ship to Street 2
  16. Ship to City
  17. Ship to State
  18. Ship to Zipcode
  19. Ship to Country
  20. Bill to Name
  21. Bill to Company
  22. Bill to Email
  23. Bill to Phone
  24. Bill to Street 1
  25. Bill to Street 2
  26. Bill to City
  27. Bill to State
  28. Bill to Zipcode
  29. Bill to Country
  30. Line Product SKU *Required
  31. Line Product Name *Required
  32. Line Item Price (Must also include Line Total Price for Line Item Price to appear)
  33. Line Quantity *Required
  34. Line Notes
  35. Line Discount Amount
  36. Line Total Price

5. Upload the file using the drag and drop feature or select the file from your computer.

6. Follow the remaining steps in this help article to save the information.