If you’re wondering whether your standard Ordoro account will automatically import orders from Shopify that have been partially refunded, the answer is no.

This isn’t a glitch—it’s how the system is set up by default. However, we can adjust this for you. Just drop a line to support@ordoro.com, and our team will be happy to enable this feature for you.

But before you decide to go this route, let’s talk about a couple of things you should be aware of when importing partially refunded orders.


  1. Refunded items remain listed
  2. Manual adjustments may be needed

Refunded items remain listed

When you import a partially refunded order from Shopify into your system, the refunded items are still on the order. This is because Shopify does not remove these products from the order details.

See the screenshot below of a partially refunded Shopify order. The Dune DVD was ordered, and two out of three purchased items were refunded.

In Shopify, these items still show up in the order details despite the refund. So, when this order is imported to Ordoro, all three DVDs will appear as if they’re waiting to be shipped.

Manual adjustments needed

The additional line items can lead to some confusion. For instance, without adjusting the quantities manually in Ordoro, you could ship more items than what was paid for.

It’s crucial to update the quantity in Ordoro to match the actual number of items you need to send out. See this support article for guidance on how to edit orders.

Remember, even if the refund on Shopify happens before the order moves over to Ordoro, you’ll still need to make these manual adjustments. This ensures that everything from pricing to inventory counts aligns correctly, helping you avoid any potential mix-ups or issues.