Discover how you can save on shipping insurance with Ordoro’s Shipsurance! After applying Ordoro’s discounted shipping insurance to your order, you can access it via multiple viewing options.
- NOTE: See this support article explaining the insurance charges’ 24-hour processing cycle.
- View insurance on the Orders List page
- View insurance on the Order Details page
- How to tell if the insurance charge failed
- Download an insurance charge report
View insurance on the Orders List page
1. Expand the row for a Shipped order.
2. Under the Shipping Label Created section, there’s a line item for Insurance.
View insurance on the Order Details page
1. Select the Order ID to be taken to the Order Details page.
2. Under the Shipping Label Created section, there’s a line item for Insurance.
3. The Order Timeline will also show the insurance charge.
How to tell if the insurance charge failed
If Ordoro cannot process payment for an insurance fee, or if Shipsurance rejects the request, the respective orders will be marked.
- Order is tagged as Failed Insurance Notification.
- An Order Timeline comment explains the failure reason.
Here’s how you can check for these:
1. Click on the Filters button on the Orders tab.

2. Select the Failed PO Notification tag from under the Tags section.

3. Click Apply to view the orders where insurance was selected but not applied.

- You can review the Order Timeline for a comment listing the reason why the insurance failed.
- If the shipping label is unused, you can delete it and recreate it with insurance. It may have been a temporary error or you need to update your credit card on file.
Download an insurance charge report
1. Select your Company Name -> Account Settings.
2. Under Account Settings -> select Billing.
3. Click on Export insurance cost history.
4. Select the date range to see insurance charges from this period. Click the orange Export button.
5. Once the report is complete, you can download it by going to Exports in the Activity Tray.
6. Then download the CSV from the Reports page.
7. When you open the file in Excel, you’ll see the following information.
- Date
- Order ID
- Insurance Cost
- Package Value
- Tracking