Ordoro offers an open API to its users on the Premium Level plan and above. If you do not have access to the API, you can talk to one of our product experts. Click here and select Get Started to talk to one of our product experts.

Below are the basics to using the Ordoro Our API documentation is available here, and if you have specific questions, reach out to our developers directly on the Developer forum available here. See our these API basics on Git Hub available here.


  1. Authentication
  2. Getting new orders
  3. Getting products
  4. Setting product inventory
  5. Save Tracking Information to an Order
  6. Create order
  7. Create product
  8. Get tracking information


  1. The Ordoro API uses Basic HTTP Authentication.
  2. You can generate an API key in Ordoro to gain access to the API. Click here for instructions.


Ordoro’s API communicates data using JSON formatting, sending, and receiving.

Getting new orders

Below is a curl request to return a list of Orders in Awaiting Fulfillment in your Ordoro account. If you’d like to filter for different orders, please see our documentation here.

--user 'myusername:mypassword' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--request GET https://api.ordoro.com/v3/order?status=awaiting_fulfillment

Getting products

Below is a curl request to return a list of all products in your Ordoro account. If you’d like to return a subsection of products, please see our documentation here. You may want to default to passing in the parameter active=true to only return your non-archived products.

--user 'myusername:mypassword' 
--request GET https://api.ordoro.com/product/?active=true

Setting product inventory

Note: When new orders import, Ordoro automatically decrements inventory for the products received on the order. Here are two reasons you may use this endpoint:

  1. Setting inventory levels during initial setup
  2. Updating inventory levels regularly based on external feeds (for example, via supplier inventory feeds)

Below is an example curl request you would use to update the Physical on Hand quantity for a SKU in Ordoro. If you’d like to filter for specified products, please see our documentation here. You can find the associated warehouse_id via the API. Click here for the documentation for this request.

--user 'myusername:mypassword' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--request PUT https://api.ordoro.com/product/:sku/warehouse/:warehouse_id/
--data '{"on_hand":99}' 

Save Tracking Information to an Order

Below is an example curl request you would use to enter tracking information on an Order in Ordoro. For more details, please see our documentation here.

--user 'myusername:mypassword' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--request POST https://api.ordoro.com/v3/order/:order_number/shipping_info
--data '{"tracking_number": "1234-lkjd", "cost": 7.00, "ship_date": "2016-03-07T06:06:06.123456-06:00", "shipping_method": "ground_advantage", "carrier_name": "usps", "notify_bill_to": false, "notify_ship_to": true, "notify_cart": true}' 

Create order

Below is an example curl request you would use to create a new Order in Ordoro. For more details, please see our documentation here.

--user 'myusername:mypassword' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--request POST https://api.ordoro.com/v3/order 
--data '{
  "billing_address": {
    "city": "austin",
    "country": "USA",
    "email": "mrgattispizza@delivers.com",
    "name": "James Eure",
    "phone": "4592222",
    "state": "tx",
    "street1": "123 foo-bar ln",
    "zip": "78701"
  "cart": 100,
  "cart_order_id": "thats-some-funky-1234",
  "grand_total": 123.45,
  "lines": [
      "cart_orderitem_id": "abc.123",
      "product": {
        "amazon_extra_info": {
          "asin": "55555",
          "listing_id": "12356",
          "pending_quantity": 4
        "cost": 1.69,
        "name": "special product name",
        "price": 69.69,
        "sku": "sku1",
        "taxable": "false",
        "weight": 1.0
      "quantity": 2,
      "total_price": 139.38
      "cart_orderitem_id": "abc.456",
      "product": {
        "cost": 3.45,
        "name": "Plastic Toy",
        "price": 1.23,
        "sku": "sku2",
        "taxable": "false",
        "weight": 2.0
      "quantity": 1,
      "total_price": 1.23
  "order_date": "2015-12-09T12:01:00.855700",
  "order_id": "order-1234",
  "product_amount": 100.1,
  "shipping_address": {
    "city": "austin",
    "country": "USA",
    "email": "jenny@igotyournumber.com",
    "name": "Tommy Tutone",
    "phone": "8675309",
    "state": "tx",
    "street1": "123 foo-bar ln",
    "zip": "78701"
  "tags": [
      "color": "#FFFFFF",
      "text": "Unpaid"
      "color": "#C0C0C0",
      "text": "Alert"
  "tax_amount": 1.23

Create product

Below is an example curl request you would use to create a new Product in Ordoro. For more details, please see our documentation here.

--user 'myusername:mypassword' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--request POST https://api.ordoro.com/product/
--data '{"sku": "unique-sku", "name": "displayme"}' 

Get tracking information

Below is an example curl request you would use to create a new Product in Ordoro. For more details, please see our documentation here.

--user 'myusername:mypassword' 
--request GET https://api.ordoro.com/v3/order/:order_number