It can be helpful to include the order number or product SKUs on the labels to assist the warehouse staff in applying labels to packages and confirming contents. You can include this information using the Reference Number field when generating labels. See the details below for how to automate this via presets.

How to create a preset for the Reference Number

1. Go to the Orders tab. Select the order to ship.

2. In the Shipping Label panel, select the plus sign to create a new Preset.

3. In the Create Preset modal.

  • Enter a Preset Name. In this example, we used SKUs on labels.
  • Click Additional Options.

  • Find Reference Number and toggle it on (make it blue).
  • Select what you would like to apply to the label (Product SKUs, Order ID, etc). See Product SKUs selected in the image below.
  • Click Create.

4. To apply this preset to future orders automatically, you have the option to create a rule. Click on the checkbox next to Create a rule that automatically applies this preset, or you can navigate to the Rules section in Settings to set it up.

  • For more information on Automation Rules, click here.

5. If this preset isn’t assigned via a rule, apply this preset to your order (click here for instructions) to add the order line items to the Reference Number field.

  • To view this, go to Additional Details -> Reference Number in the Shipping Label panel.
  • Each SKU on the order will be included with its quantity in brackets.
  • In the example screenshot below, there is one Blade Runner DVD and five Labyrinth DVDs on order.

7. Once you create the label, the SKUs appear on the right.