Each product listing in your sales channels (excluding eBay) must have a unique SKU. Ordoro syncs inventory based on the individual SKU, assuming that only one listing exists for each SKU.
Some users need additional listings per SKU. To do this, please follow the steps below:
1. Each Listing must have its own unique SKU. Remember, Ordoro links inventory only to one listing per SKU. One way to do this would be to add a suffix to the end of your duplicate listings.
- For example: Let’s imagine you have three listings in your Sales Channel, each with the same SKU (SKUA). For two of these listings, you’ll need to update them so that they have unique SKUs. You could add a suffix at the end of those listings of “-1” and “-2”.
- Listing 1: SKU = SKUA
- Listing 2: SKU = SKUA-1
- Listing 3: SKU = SKUA-2
2. Once you’ve given unique SKUs to your listings, you’ll need to import these new products into Ordoro. Click here for instructions on how to import products from your Sales Channel into Ordoro.
3. Once your products import into Ordoro, you can start linking the inventory together. In our example, SKUA would already exist in Ordoro and would already have inventory. To link these together, you would need to convert SKUA-1 and SKUA-2 into kits, with SKUA as the component product. You can learn how to create kits in this support article.

Be sure to set the Quantity Needed for Kit to 1. This is the default value, so if you do not update this, it will default to this behavior.
Do the same for all of your new Unique SKUs (SKUA-1, SKUA-2, SKUA-3, etc.).
4. Once your items are fully kitted, inventory will sync from the Original SKU out to the New Unique SKUs you just created. Any inventory changes by one of these SKUs will update the others, and visa versa.
NOTE: Only the Original SKU (SKUA) will have a Physical On Hand quantity that can be updated. The New Unique SKUs will copy the inventory listed by the Original SKU.
Link products via CSV upload
If you have many SKUs to link, doing these one-by-one may take awhile. To update these in bulk, you can use the CSV upload.
1. Go to Settings -> Data Import.
2. Select Manage Kits in the dropdown and Download the example file.

3. See the key below for filling out the spreadsheet.
- Column A: New Unique SKU with Suffix
- Column B: Original SKU
- Column C: Do not enter data in this column.
- Column D: Should always be 1
4. Save the document and import the file via Data Import.

To learn more about using the Data Import function, read this support article.