To add or edit the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HS) code for a product in Ordoro, you will need to go to the product detail page.

Option 1: Manually assign a harmonized code

1. Go to the Products tab

2. Select the product you would like to edit.

3. In the right, look under “Harmonized Code” and click on Not configured.

4.  Enter the HS Code in the field that appears and click Save

Please see this support article for more details regarding Harmonized Codes in Ordoro.

Option 2: Uploading harmonized codes in Bulk via CSV

1. Click on your Company Name in the upper right-hand corner and select Data Import from the drop-down menu

2. Select Update Product from the drop-down menu

3. Download the example file

4. Update the CSV with the required columns: SKU and Harmonized Code

5. Upload the CSV into Ordoro