If your order in Shopify is fulfilled, Ordoro can recognize this change and ship the corresponding order in Ordoro.

Follow the steps below to enable this feature:

NOTE: This feature only works for Shopify accounts using Instasync. Click here to determine if you have Instasync enabled for your Shopify Sales Channel. If this isn’t enabled, reach out to our support team (support@ordoro.com) to enable this for your account.

1. Select on your Company Name in the upper-right corner of Ordoro and select Account Settings.

2. Select Sales Channels in the menu on the left and then Edit next to your Shopify Sales Channel.

3. Scroll down to the Sync Settings for this Sales Channel and select the checkbox next to Mark orders as shipped if order is shipped in Sales Channel.

4. Scroll down and select Save.

Going forward, orders fulfilled in Shopify will be Marked as Shipped in Ordoro if that order is in Awaiting Fulfillment or Dropshipment Requested statuses.

  • Ordoro does not import the tracking information from Shopify for these orders. They will be Marked as Shipped without tracking information in Ordoro.
  • The Physical On Hand Quantity will reduce for the products on orders in Awaiting Fulfillment.
  • The Physical On Hand Quantity will not reduce for the products on orders in Dropshipment Requested.

For example, Order 3387 was fulfilled in Shopify.

The corresponding order in Ordoro will update in Ordoro to Shipped Status in a few moments.

At the bottom of your order, in the Timeline notes, you can see that the Instasync webhooks have updated this order to Shipped status.

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