What is an NSA?

From USPS’s help article:

A Negotiated Service Agreement (NSA) is a contractual agreement between the U.S. Postal Service® and an individual company that provides customized pricing incentives or other arrangements justified by a shift in the company’s mail operations.

Negotiated Service Agreements require direct negotiation with the U.S. Postal Service. To become effective, changes in prices and classifications needed to implement the proposed NSA must be reviewed and recommended by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) and approved by the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors.

How does this affect Ordoro?

  • If you have an NSA with USPS, please reach out to support@ordoro.com. We will facilitate the connection between Pitney Bowes and Ordoro to link your NSA seamlessly.
  • If you can send the following information, it will help us assist you quicker.
    1. Is your NSA for domestic, international, or all USPS shipments?
    2. Do you have your NSA rate tables from USPS? These should have been sent to you once the NSA was finalized.
    3. Have you created a USPS account in Ordoro?