See the quick and easy steps below to connect Ordoro and your Shopify store!

  • Before starting, log out of all Shopify stores to ensure you’re adding the correct one to Ordoro.
  • If you are not the Shopify store owner, please confirm if you have permission to manage and install apps and channels before proceeding.

How to add Shopify to Ordoro

  1. Click here to access the Sales Channel Settings in Ordoro.
  2. Click on Add a Sales Channel.
  3. Select Shopify from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter the URL for your store, then click Add Sales Channel.
    • You can find this URL from your Shopify admin. Go to Settings > Domains.

  1. This will redirect you to Shopify to log in.
  2. Click on the link that says: Authorize Ordoro to manage your Shopify orders and inventory.
  3. Next, you must map your Ordoro Warehouse(s) to your Shopify Location(s).

  • If you have yet to set up all of your Ordoro warehouses, click Add a Warehouse. Create the Warehouses and map them to their corresponding Shopify Locations.

  1. Once you’ve mapped your Ordoro warehouse(s) to your Shopify location(s), select one of the following:
    • Save: this will save your mappings without initiating an order and product import.
    • Save and Import: this will save your mappings and initiate an order and product import.

This mapping tells Shopify two things:

  • When you ship from that warehouse in Ordoro, we’ll send the tracking with the corresponding Shopify Location.
  • When you sync inventory from Ordoro, your inventory quantities will be sent to the corresponding Shopify Location.

Shopify Location notes:

  • Even if you have one warehouse and one location in Shopify, the Locations must be mapped in Ordoro. Otherwise, tracking and/or inventory will not update in Shopify.
  • For more details about Shopify Locations + Ordoro, see this support article.
