By default, Ordoro will export your entire inventory quantity to your sales channel. However, if you’d like to write back a portion of that number, you can set a Min Export, Max Export, Percentage, or Reserve Qty per sales channel and product.


  1. Max Export Quantity
  2. Min Export Quantity
  3. Percentage
  4. Reserve Quantity
  5. Calculated Writeback Quantity
  6. Setting a Max Export, Percentage, or Reserve per SKU
  7. Updating in Bulk

Max Export Quantity

  • What is Max Export Qty?
    • This feature allows you to set a maximum number of items to show as available on your sales channel, as long as your actual stock is above this maximum limit.
  • Why use it?
    • Great for businesses that want to limit the quantity shown available to customers, perhaps to encourage urgency or manage large inventories more effectively.
  • How it works:
    • Once your Available On Hand inventory is less than the Max Export Quantity, Ordoro will write back the lesser quantity to your sales channel.
    • Example: Let’s say you have 100 of Product A in Ordoro, but you only want to show 10 available on your sales channel. You would set your Max Export Quantity to 10. Your sales channel will keep showing 10 available until your stock goes down to 9 or less. Then, Ordoro will adjust your sales channel to display this lower number.

Min Export Quantity

  • What is Min Export Qty?
    • This feature allows you to show a certain quantity as available on your sales channel, even if you have fewer items in stock.
  • Why use it?
    • It’s perfect for businesses that don’t keep track of their dropship supplier’s stock but still want to show their customers that items are available.
    • Alternatively, you can set a negative Min Export Quantity so that Ordoro will write negative quantities back to your cart.
      • Important Consideration: If you choose to use negative inventory quantities, be aware that not all sales channels support this feature. For example, Etsy does not accept negative inventory numbers. Using negative quantities on channels that do not support them could lead to errors in inventory writeback.
  • How it works:
    • Once your Available On Hand inventory is less than the Min Export Quantity, Ordoro will send the Min Export Quantity to your sales channel.
    • Example 1 – Positive Min Export Qty: Say you have 5 of Product A in Ordoro, but you want it to look like you have 10 available on your sales channel. You would set your Min Export Quantity to 10. Now, your sales channel will keep showing 10 available until you actually have more than 10 in stock. Then, Ordoro will update your sales channel to show the new, larger amount of stock.
    • Example 2 – Negative Min Export Qty: If Product A in Ordoro is at( -5), set the Min Export Quantity to at least (-5). This lets other teams that don’t access Ordoro see the real-time negative stock levels directly on the sales channel.
    • Example 3 No Min Export Qty: If you set the Min Export Qty to blank, Ordoro will sync the Available On Hand Quantity exactly as it reads in Ordoro. See image below:


  • What is Percentage Sync?
    • This feature syncs a certain percentage of your actual inventory to your sales channel. It shows a fraction of your stock based on the percentage you choose.
  • Why use it?
    • It’s ideal for businesses that want to show only a part of their inventory online. This can be useful for managing stock or creating a sense of scarcity.
  • How it works:
    • You decide what percentage of your inventory to display as available on your sales channel. Ordoro then adjusts the displayed quantity to match this percentage of your actual stock.
    • Example: Imagine you have 100 of Product B in Ordoro, but you decide to show only 50% of this quantity on your sales channel. You set the Percentage to 50. This means your sales channel will show 50 units available.

Reserve Quantity

  • What is Reserve Quantity?
    • This feature lets you keep a certain number of items off your sales channel by not showing them as available. It subtracts a set quantity from your inventory before syncing it.
  • Why use it?
    • Perfect for businesses that want to hold back some inventory, either for in-store sales, emergencies, or to fulfill other orders not processed through the sales channel.
  • How it works:
    • You decide on a number of items you want to reserve and not show up online. Ordoro will then subtract this reserve amount from your actual inventory before updating your sales channel.
    • Example: Suppose you have 100 of Product C in Ordoro but want to keep 5 aside and not list them on your sales channel. You would set your Reserve to 5. When Ordoro updates your inventory to your sales channel, it will show 5 less than your actual available stock.

Calculated Writeback Quantity

  • What is Calculated Writeback Quantity?
    • This feature calculates the number of items available on your sales channel based on a special formula. It takes into account your actual stock, any reserved items, and the percentage you choose to show.
  • Why use it?
    • It’s for businesses that want a smart way to manage how much inventory is shown online, combining different strategies like reserving stock and showing only a percentage of what’s left.
  • How it works:
    • Ordoro calculates the number of items to show online by subtracting any reserve you’ve set from your actual inventory and then applying the percentage you’ve chosen to this remaining number.
    • Formula Explained:
      • Writeback Quantity = (Available on Hand – Reserve Quantity) * Percentage.
      • If this calculation is more than your Max Export Quantity, Ordoro will instead use the Max Export Quantity as the number of items to show.
    • Special Note for Square and Shopify: For businesses using Square or Shopify, these calculations and settings will apply to each specific location you have.
    • Example: Let’s say you have 100 items of Product D in Ordoro, want to reserve 10, and show 50% of what’s left. Your Writeback Quantity would be calculated as follows: (100 – 10) * 50% = 45. If your Max Export Quantity was set to 40, then only 40 items would be shown as available because the calculated quantity exceeds the maximum you set.

Setting a Max Export, Percentage, or Reserve per SKU

1. Go to Products. Find the product you’d like to update. 

2. On the Product Details page, select the Sales Channels tab. Find the Writeback Qty column.

3. To edit Max Export, Percentage, or Reserve for one Sales Channel, click on the number under the Writeback Qty column.

4. In the popup modal, enter the Max/Min Export, Percentage, or Reserve and click Save.

5. When the Max Export, Percentage, or Reserve has been updated and saved, the SKU will sync on the following hourly sync and will update your sales channels with the new Calculated Writeback Quantity.

  • If you don’t want to wait till the next hourly sync, you can start a manual sync by clicking on the blue Sync button in the top right-hand corner. Select Inventory Writeback only for the sales channel/s, and then select the blue Sync Once button.

Updating in Bulk

Please see the steps below on using our Data Import feature to update Max/Min Export, Percentage, or Reserve in bulk.

1. First, you’ll want to get a report of all of your products, and the Sales Channels they are are assigned to. To do that, you’ll want to download the Product Sales Channel Report. Click here for instructions on how to download this report.

2. Open the product export CSV.

3. Remove the SKUs that do not need to be updated.

4. Delete all columns you are not planning on updating. SKU and Sales Channel Name are required. Include the Max/Min Export, Percentage, or Reserve columns you are hoping to update.

5. Add your changes to each column as needed.

NOTE: Min and Max Export Quantity should be set to blank if you don’t want those to affect inventory sync. Entering 0 will tell Ordoro to limit the Min and Max Export Quantity to 0.
6. Save the file as a .csv file.

7. Click on your Company Name in the top right-hand corner

8. Select the Data Import feature

9. Select the Update Product/Sales Channel Bridge option from the drop-down menu

10. Drag and drop or upload from your desktop the saved CSV file into the data import window

11. Follow the prompts to complete the data import