When FedEx delivers to a commercial address, by default, FedEx offers Indirect Signature services and will get a signature from someone when dropping off the package. Therefore, you do not need to explicitly select Indirect Signature Required, and you will not have this option in Ordoro.
FedEx defines Indirect Signature as:
- Indirect Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address; from a neighbor, building manager or someone at a neighboring address; or the recipient can also leave a FedEx Door Tag authorizing the release of the package without anyone present.
FedEx also offers alternate signature options that are more apt for commercial addresses. See below:
- Direct Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address. If no one is at the address, we reattempt delivery. This will require that the signee is from the exact delivery address, rather than a neighbor or building manager.
- Adult Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at least 21 years old (and possessing the required government-issued photo ID) at the delivery address. If no one is eligible at the address, we reattempt delivery.
Here’s how these signature options will display in Ordoro. You’ll see Indirect Signature is only available when the residential checkbox is selected.
Residential address

Commercial address