If you need to ship something unrelated to your online sales, like a one-time item or a personal package, our Quick Ship feature can help simplify the shipping process.

With Quick Ship, you only need to input the shipping origin and destination addresses and can immediately create a label. You do not need to enter any SKU numbers or track payment information for an order.

How to use Quick Ship

1. Go to Orders -> Quick Ship.

  • When a shipping carrier has not been set up yet, you will see a yellow button prompting you to Add a Carrier Account first.

2. The Quick Ship modal appears. Select a Ship From address, then click Next.

  • You can select from an existing Warehouse address, Supplier address, or enter a new address under Other address.

3. Enter the destination address, then click Next.

  • Ordoro will suggest addresses if you’ve shipped to someone before.

4. As the Label Panel loads, a notification will appear.

  • Behind the scenes, Ordoro is generating a manual order, which does not include any products.
  • This allows you to reference this Quick Ship order in the future.
  • Shipping rules will be applied to the Quick Ship order, if it meets the rule criteria.

5. On the Label Panel, enter the package weight. Since the contents are unknown, it defaults to zero.

6. Shipping rates will load. You can select either:

  1. Create Label to create a shipping label immediately.
  2. Close and View Details to redirect to the Order Detail page.

This section displays all standard shipping options, such as package types, customs information, packing slip profiles, and more. You can also make last-minute changes to the Ship From or Ship To addresses if necessary.

7. If you choose to Create Label, a notification appears while the label is generated.

8. To complete the process, click on View/Print to print the shipping label.

9. Once you return to your Orders page, a manual order is created for your Quick Ship order.