Please see the steps below on using our Data Import feature to update Max Export Quantity in bulk.

1. Click on your Company Name in the top right-hand corner. Select the Data Import feature.

2. Select the Update Product/Sales Channel Bridge option from the drop-down menu and Download the example file.

3. On the Products tab, click Other Actions. In the dropdown menu, select Export Product/Sales Channel Bridge option and Export your report.

4. In the Activity Monitor, click Exports.

5. Click CSV to download your export.

6. Open the product export CSV.
7. Remove the SKUs that do not need to be updated.
8. Enter the custom Max Export quantity in the Max Export Quantity column (Column E).

  • IMPORTANT: If you are not updating the Amazon Fulfillment Channel (Column C) and/or Max Export (Column E), please DELETE the entire columns. Don’t leave the cells blank, or you will overwrite your existing data in Ordoro!

9. Save your updated file as a .csv file.
10. Click on your Company Name in the top right-hand corner. Select the Data Import feature.

11. Select the Update Product/Sales Channel Bridge option from the drop-down menu. Drag and drop or upload from your desktop the saved CSV file into the data import window.

12. Follow steps 6-10 in the Data Import support article to complete your updated Max Export Quantity information.