Ordoro connects to Etsy via API tokens. Every so often, the token may expire or require a refresh for Ordoro to continue importing orders and managing your inventory. This article details how to reauthorize your Etsy account in Ordoro.


  1. How will I know when to reauthorize?
  2. How do I reauthorize my Etsy account?

How will I know when to reauthorize?

When the API token expires, there are three places where Ordoro will call out the channel.

  1. The Dashboard.
  1. Sales Channel Settings.
  1. Sync Settings.

How do I reauthorize my Etsy account?

  1. IMPORTANT: Ensure you log out of ALL your Etsy accounts.
    • If you have multiple browser tabs open, be sure to check them all.
  2. In the top right, click on Your Company Name -> Account Settings.
  3. Click on Sales Channels.
  4. Click Edit for the Etsy cart.
  1. Click on Reauthorize.
  1. A modal will appear – click on Reauthorize Cart.
  1. You will then be directed to Etsy to sign in to your account.
  2. Once signed in, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Grant access.
  3. You will then be directed back to Ordoro. And that’s it!