If you elect to stop selling a product on your Sales Channels, you’ll need to take a few steps in Ordoro to clear this product from your inventory, and disable the listing in your Sales Channels.
- Delete Your Kit Components
- Disable Auto-Dropshipping
- Set Inventory for All Warehouses to Zero
- Archive the Product
Delete Your Kit Components
If you’re discontinuing a Kit product, you’ll need to delete the Components from it before archiving this product.
1. Go to the product detail page for this product.
2. Click on the Kitting Tab.
3. Delete any Components that make up the kit.
Disable Auto-Dropshipping
You will need to disable Auto-Dropshipping for any discontinued products in Ordoro. If an order is somehow created in Ordoro with one of these discontinued products, you want to be sure that they are not automatically sent to your suppliers.
1. On the product detail page, select Automatically Dropshiped in the upper right menu.
2. Deselect the Automatic checkmark box, and then click Save.
Set Inventory for All Warehouses to Zero
If your product still has inventory stored in Ordoro, it’s important that you set this inventory to zero and sync that change to your Sales Channels. If you do not do this, your discontinued product could remain active in your Sales Channel, causing you to sell discontinued product that you no longer have in stock.
1. On the product detail page, select the inventory number below the POH (Physical On Hand) header.
2. Update the inventory to 0, and click Save.
3. Do this for all warehouses in your account that have an inventory quantity greater than zero.
4. Click on the Sync settings in the upper right-hand corner, and write back inventory to all Sales Channels that this product is listed.
5. Wait until the syncs are finished before continuing to Archive the product in Ordoro. You can see when the syncs finished in the Activity Menu (the heartbeat monitor next to the Sync button), or when the grey spinning sync turns back to the blue Sync Button.
NOTE: Most Sales Channels have an option to continue selling when out of stock. You’ll want to also make sure this setting is not enabled if you want to prevent this product from selling on your Sales Channels.
Archive the Product
Your discontinued product is ready to de-activate in Ordoro. Archiving the product will prevent it from syncing inventory to any Sales Channel going forward, and keep it hidden when reviewing active products.
1. On the product detail page, select Archive, and confirm.