Upon importing Amazon Prime orders into Ordoro, they will be automatically labeled as ‘Amazon Prime’ for easy identification. These orders can only be shipped using the Amazon Buy Shipping carrier, and no other shipping services are available. Notes: Topics How to create a shipping label for Amazon Prime orders 1. Select the checkbox next to […]
Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime
You will need to set up your Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime account before you can start printing shipping labels and shipping. Setting up your accounts is easy! Please follow these detailed instructions on how to set up your Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime account to Ordoro along with any additional information that may be needed.
Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime: What to do if I get the following “Amazon error Terms AndConditionsNotAccepted: None”?
Even if the prime shipping option has been applied to your orders and they have been imported as prime orders into Ordoro, you will still need to enable and agree to Amazon’s “Buy Shipping Api” Terms & Conditions in order to get access to their rates inside Ordoro. Please make sure these steps have been taken […]