The new Product Detail page makes it easier to manage your products in Ordoro. This article explains how to manage each function in the updated Product Detail page.

NOTE: If you are an Express plan user, the Product Detail page will look different. Please see this support article to learn more.

This article will cover:

  1. Editing Product Name
  2. Managing Warehouses
    1. New feature: Update multiple warehouses at once
  3. Managing Fulfillment Status and Suppliers
    1. New feature: Update multiple suppliers at once
  4. Physical Info, Financial Info, Organization, and Internal Notes
    1. New feature: Internal Notes
  5. Kitting
  6. Sales Channels
    1. New feature: Update multiple channels at once
  7. Export Inventory Log
  8. Archive Product
  9. Apply Product Tags
  10. Print Barcodes
  11. Add Product to a PO

Editing Product Name

  • Select the pencil icon next to the Product Name.
  • A modal will pop-up where you can edit the name.
  • Click the orange Save button to complete.

Managing Warehouses

  • Like with the Product List page, you can update fields by selecting the quantity per warehouse itself.
  • Selecting a field in the Warehouses tab displays a modal so you can update all editable fields per warehouse.
    • Location in Warehouse
    • Physical on Hand
    • Low Stock Threshold

New feature to update multiple warehouses at once

  • Select the checkboxes next to the warehouses, then the column heading you’d like to update.
  • For example, in the screenshot below, four warehouses are selected and then Low Stock Threshold is clicked.
  • When the Low Stock Threshold is updated, it changes this value for all selected warehouses.

Managing Fulfillment Status and Suppliers

  • To update the fulfillment status, select the text in the Fulfillment section.
  • Then, a modal will pop up and you can select either In-House or Dropshipped.
  • This pop-up also allows you to set other fields such as:
    • Assigning a Default Supplier
    • Updating Minimum Order Quantity required for POs
    • Updating the Supplier Unit Cost.
    • Updating Supplier SKU

New feature to update multiple suppliers at once

  • Additionally, you can update your Supplier information from the Suppliers tab.
  • If you select multiple Suppliers at once, you can change the following fields in bulk.
    • Supplier SKU
    • Supplier Unit Cost
    • Minimum Order Quantity

  • Here, you can assign a new supplier to the product.
  • Just like with the Warehouses tab, you can also update fields in bulk.

Physical Info, Financial Info, Organization, Customs Declarations, and Internal Notes

  • You can edit each of these items by clicking on the information next to the bold fields.
  • Internal Notes are not imported from your sales channel, and they are only viewable on the Product Details page.
  • Total Units on Hand is not updatable (this is the sum of the Physical on Hand stored in all of your warehouses.)
  • Total Inventory Value is also not updatable. This is calculated by the Weighted Average Unit Cost multiplied by the Total Units On Hand.


  • The functionality in this tab is the same as before.
  • You can add and remove kits, as well as update the Quantity Needed for Kit.

Sales Channels

  • This shows the Sales Channels associated with the SKU, and information about the product’s sync, including:
    • Last Import – The last time Ordoro imported that product from your sales channel.
    • Status – Designates if Ordoro has an updated quantity we need to sync back to the Sales Channel, or if we have recently failed to sync.
    • Last Writeback – The last time Ordoro wrote back to this sales channel, and the quantity written back.
  • You can update the Writeback status for this product per Sales Channel, and update the Max Export Quantity.
  • This will also tell you if your Amazon Products are FBA or FBM in Ordoro.

New feature to update multiple sales channels at once

  • If you select multiple sales channels at once, you can change the following fields in bulk.
    • Whether or not Ordoro writes back inventory to the cart
    • Max Export Quantity

Export Inventory Log

  • The link to Export the Inventory Log has moved to the top of the page.
  • Once you click the link, go to the Activity Menu to download the file.
  • See this help article for more details about the Inventory log.

Archive Product

  • To archive a product, select the option at the top of the page.
  • See below for an animated version of archiving a product.

Apply Product Tags

  • To apply a Product Tag, select Apply Tags at the top of the page.
  • Next, select the tag(s) you’d like to apply to this item.
  • You can also create or remove tags in the same section.

Print Barcodes

  • To print UPC barcodes for your products, select Print Barcodes.
  • These barcodes can be set to the SKU, UPC, ASIN, or custom field.
  • An additional field can be added.
  • Then, you can select what size labels and how many copies to print.

Add Product to a PO

  • To add this product to a PO, select Order More at the top of the page.
  • You can choose which supplier, warehouse, and quantity to add.
  • Once you save by clicking the orange Order More button, then a new PO will be created (unless there’s an existing Unsent PO to the same supplier).