When an order is imported, Ordoro validates the customer’s shipping address. Based on the accuracy of the Ship To address provided, you will see the address is written in different colors.
- If the address is listed in black, then it has been validated
- If the address is listed in yellow, then it may need additional information to be validated or an international address
- If the address is listed in red, then it cannot be validated but you still might be able to create a label
If you click “Edit” next to the address, you will see what USPS believes is wrong with your address. One example of this error message is:
Default Match - More information, such as an apartment or suite number, may give a more specific address.

This means that USPS was able to verify the street address, but requires a suite number or apartment number to accurately deliver the package.
To verify the address your customer provided is correct, please use USPS’ Zip Code Lookup Tool. Using a service such as Google Maps may result in inaccurate information and it’s best to us the USPS tool directly.