When Ordoro connects to your Amazon account to import orders/products, you may see this error message.
An error occurred. Please contact Ordoro support. Details: Access Denied
Or this:
An error occurred. Please contact Ordoro support. Details: Invalid Amazon credentials
This means that Ordoro has not been granted permission to connect to your Amazon store. In the article below, we outline how to fix these in Ordoro.
Reauthorize your Amazon cart in Ordoro
The permissions may need a refresh in Ordoro. See how to do so here.
1. Log into Ordoro. Click on your Company Name -> Account Settings.

2. Go to Integrations -> Sales Channels in the left bar.
3. Select Edit next to your existing Amazon cart.
4. Under Account Authentication, click Reauthorize.
5. Follow the prompts to approve Ordoro as an app on Amazon. Once complete, your Amazon cart will successfully sync with Ordoro.