In Ordoro, your USPS account will have a daily postage purchase limit. In this article, we explore what this limit is and how to increase it.


  1. Where can I view my daily postage limit?
  2. How does the USPS daily postage limit work in Ordoro?
  3. Why is there a daily postage purchase limit?
  4. How do I increase my daily postage purchase limit?

Where can I view my daily postage limit?

  1. Select your Company Name -> Account Settings -> Shippers/Carriers.
  2. Find your USPS Pitney account and find the Daily Limit. See the screenshot below.

How does the USPS daily postage limit work in Ordoro?

  • Your daily limit is the maximum amount of postage you can purchase per day.
  • It is not:
    • The limit of postage you can have in your account on any given day
    • The required amount of postage to buy daily
  • Example:
    • On Monday, you purchase $50.
    • You use $30, so you have $20 remaining.
    • On Tuesday, you buy $50.
    • This means you will have $70 worth of postage in your account.

Why is there a daily postage purchase limit?

  • When you pre-pay for USPS postage through Ordoro, we run authorization behind the scenes. 
  • There are fraud detection/prevention mechanisms in place to ensure transactions are valid.
  • The daily postage limit is a part of this workflow.

How do I increase my daily postage purchase limit?