You can generate and print DHL eCommerce Manifests within Ordoro. DHL eCommerce manifests are sometimes referred to as “Driver’s Summary Manifest” (DSM) and must be submitted to the pickup driver along with the parcels they are collecting for the day.


  1. How to generate a DHL eCommerce Manifest in Ordoro
  2. Sample DHL eCommerce Manifest

How to generate a DHL eCommerce Manifest in Ordoro

  1. Click the Orders tab in the green bar.
  2. On the Orders List Page, click Actions -> SCAN Form/End of Day Actions.
  1. Select the DHL eCommerce Shipping Carrier in the dropdown menu.
  2. Select the warehouse or warehouses needing to be manifested.
  3. Click Create SCAN Form.
  4. Once the form generates, you can download it by clicking on the date and time displayed in the modal. 
    • NOTE: You can download and print the three most recent manifests.

Sample DHL eCommerce Manifest

Here is a sample Driver’s Summary Manifest (DSM) generated in Ordoro.