When shipping with FedEx in Ordoro, you can edit the Importer of Record. This is only applicable for:

  • Shipping to a US address from a non-US address
  • Shipping to a non-US address from a different non-US address


1. What is an Importer of Record (IOR)?

2. How to update the Importer of Record (IOR)

What is an Importer of Record (IOR)?

An importer of record is the entity or individual who is responsible for all entry documents required by CBP (Customs Border Protection) and for the product classification and payment of duties, as well as any other import obligations. This party is responsible for ensuring that imported goods comply with all customs and legal requirements.

How to update the Importer of Record (IOR)

To designate the Importer of Record when it is not the recipient of the package, follow the steps below.

1. Go to Orders and select the order you’d like to ship.

2. In the Shipping Label panel, select FedEx as the Carrier.

3. Select Additional Options in the Shipping Label panel. Select the checkbox next to Importer of Record is NOT Recipient and click Edit.

4. In the pop-up menu, fill in the following fields. Click Save.

5. After you have selected Create Label for this order, select the View/Print option under 1 Additional Documents must also be printed in the Print Label panel. This will allow you to print the Commercial Invoice.

5. On the Commercial Invoice, you will see the Importer of Record information.