If you would like to see a report of all SKUs and the quantity to be fulfilled (Total Committed column in the Products tab), follow the steps below to retrieve this report from your Ordoro account:

**DISCLAIMER** If you have kits, this report can only show Total Committed for the Parent SKU. The Total Committed will NOT show the child SKU if the child SKU is included in a KIT. If the child SKU is also sold as an individual SKU, the Total Committed will display only for those orders with the child SKU purchased.

In Ordoro v3:

  • Click on the Orders tab in the green bar
  • Select Other Actions
  • Select the CSV Export option
  • Select the Date Range that will cover all orders sitting in the Awaiting Fulfillment status
  • Select the Order Detail option from the Level of Detail dropdown menu
  • Select Awaiting Fulfillment from the Status Dropdown
  • Select the Export button
  • Download the CSV file from the activities menu located to the left of the blue sync button
  • Open the .csv file and SAVE AS a .xlsx file
  • Highlight all data
  • Click on the Data option in the actions menu within Excel
  • Create a Pivot Table – see this link about Pivot Tables

  • Clear everything in the Pivot Table Builder
  • In the Pivot Table Builder, drag the SKU option in the Field Name under the Row Labels field
  • Optional to drag the SKU Description field to Row Labels field under the SKU
  • In the Pivot Table Builder, drag the ORDERED QTY in the Field Name option under the Values field (MAKE SURE TO SUM!!)

Results will show SKUs/SKU Descriptions that are waiting to be fulfilled and the total quantity needing to be fulfilled.

If you click on the quantity in the Total column, a new spreadsheet will create with orders associated with the SKU.