Yes! Ordoro will import Etsy variations SKUs into Ordoro and keep track of inventory per variation.

  • If you don’t know what “listing variations” mean, here is a support article from Etsy that discusses it in detail.
  • Etsy offers the Listing Variations feature so that you can have different options within the same listing (for example, different sizes and colors for a dress).
  • Buyers will need to choose from those options before they can complete their purchase of your item.
  • Each variation should be assigned its own unique SKU in Etsy. The SKU is Ordoro’s way of tracking inventory.

Etsy Variation Set Up:

In order for Ordoro to update inventory quantities to your Etsy variations, make sure to select the “Quantities vary” option when setting up your variation SKUs in your Etsy account.

What will happen in Ordoro:

  • Ordoro will import each variation as a unique SKU.
  • Example:
    • Ladybug Art has three variation SKUs set in Etsy.
      • SKU: ladybug_red
      • SKU: ladybug_white
      • SKU: ladybug_yellow

NOTE: If a custom SKU is NOT assigned in Etsy, Ordoro will import Etsy’s assigned product Offering ID.

Be aware of the following:

  • If you have previously created individual listings for product variations that exist in Ordoro, we will continue to sync inventory back to them.
  • If you added new variation SKUs to the product parent in Etsy, please make sure to archive the old single listing SKU in Ordoro to avoid inventory sync issues.
  • If you have previously created individual listings for product variations and have now used the same SKU as a variation under a parent product, make sure to deactivate the single listing on Etsy.
  • For variations with a quantity of zero, Ordoro will write that zero quantity back to Etsy, causing it to display as “SOLD OUT” in the Etsy cart.
  • Due to a limitation in Etsy’s API, if the last variation is a quantity of zero, Ordoro will be unable to write a quantity of zero to the Etsy cart. (This is also true if the product is a single listing with no variations – Etsy’s API will not accept a quantity 0)